Module Contents
- dnf.repo_configs()
Yield tuples of (name,dict) of all enabled repositories on the host, where ‘dict’ represents repository .conf contents.
- dnf.repo_urls()
Yield tuples of (name,baseurl) of all enabled repositories on the host.
- dnf.repo_files()
Yield Paths of all enabled repository files (yum.repos.d) on the host.
- dnf.installable_url()
Return one baseurl usable for installing the currently-running system.
- dnf.download_rpm(nvr, source=False)
Downloads a single RPM by its NVR (which can be just name or any other version/release string accepted by DNF) and yields the result as a temporary file path.
‘source’ specifies whether to download a binary or a source RPM.
- dnf.extract_rpm(rpmfile)
Extracts a binary or source RPM using rpm2cpio into a temporary directory, yielding a path to that directory.